- preoccupied (or overcome with daily events and demands of the people in my life.
- lazy mindednes.s
- working on marketing and sales--how many times a day do you check shop stats and Google analytics, analyze 'better' search terms, tweet, pin...perfecting, obsessing?
- making treasuries on Etsy/promoting others' fine work or vintage pieces/participating on teams/reading discussions.
- defective keyboard (splunked some coffee--cream and sugar, naturally, which caused the ultrasenstive hardware imps to permanenly depress the Ctrl key; I'm using the inline or online keyboard right now, clicking one letter at a time. I don't think my granddaughter biting off the Z button counts here.
- pain: I twisted my ankles on two different occasions, sprained the alternate foot too on one of those times--lost about three months total, with legs raised, not counting recuperating after I could actually hobble; for a time, no mood to even look at the internet.
My plodding along here is a challenge, so I shall take a break here and limp in my aircast to the frig and fix some lunch. ciao : ]
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